The Phuket Water Sports Centre arranges activities for members and guests. The Whats App Groups below are available for members to join, if the activity appeals to them.The SIA Friends group can be joined by members who want to Go Sailing but want to invite other members as they may not have crew.

  Weekend Sailing Trips to Islands, Sailing Safari Cruises, Yacht Racing and Training. Learn to Sail Courses,  The activities are those organized by SIA and PWSC FRIENDS but other activities can or may also be happening too. Join in the fun if you like or organise your own day on the water.


We will use Whats App Groups for organising most of these trips or activities. These groups are run by SIA at PWSC, but you should decide what groups really appeal to you and join the group or groups. The link provided allows you to join and then if you want to go ISLAND SAFARI for example, you write a quick text to people on that link and see if you can can find other members to JOIN YOU etc.  If you want to be involved in one or more of the following GROUPS please click on the link and JOIN the GROUP.

Phuket Water Sports Centre Rolling Program

PWSC 2024 Events

These are the trips for SIA Friends and Members for the following two months. Please check our events page and contact us if youd like to join our trip or charter your own boat to sail with us on the trips advertised below.

▪ July 27th/28th 2024  -    Weekend trip to Paradise Ko Yao Noi is available to Whats App Group members and SIA Friends.  Cost for this trip is  (6,000THB/pax)

▪ August 30th -31st 2024   Long Weekend Sailing from AO YON  to Ko Yao Yai is available to Members  and SIA Friends - join our  WHATS APP GROUPS and get involved!!   Cost is only (6000THB/pax) for the two day sailing trip.We will use Highlander and Magic.  Members wishing to sail with their own crews may choose Trimaran or Piccolo (need 4 pax).


The Big Boats

Our two Farr 1104s and our JOD 35 are used for the trips to outlying islands. They can carry 7 to 8 people and are a delight to sail, particularly if we can throw up a spinnaker  This involves all the crew and is fast and fun!



Most of our Dragon Boating takes place at Ao Yon because the bay is sheltered and the waves are small. These boats are big and take up to 16-22 Students. They require flat water and lots of sun. Schools enjoy regattas on the beach and a BBQ - talk to us if you only have a day to play - this could be one of the activities that you choose. Dragonboats are also used on our river and camping trips. If you are interested give us a call.


Learn to Race

Learn to Race on our Platus. The Course is designed to explain what a race is, the start, the first leg, rounding marks, teamwork, tactics and all in a low key fun environment. Everybody should Learn to Race by doing this course.  Go racing at PYC after the course ends!


Ao Yon - PWSC for Friends

Ao Yon Beach Activities are so easy to access - just check out the 24/25 Events page.  Whether its a day trip or a Duke of Edinburgh Gold, Silver or Bronze adventurous journey you can be sure you will be with a training organization that is well organized and professional. From Risk Assessments, to SIA Safeguarding and Child Protection. You can be sure we have it covered! Families are welcome and we delight in finding something for every age and ability to do at Phuket's only professional water sports centre. Check the Events Program and see what you'd like to do?